Random seating at the party district caucus can be compared to hunting in the dark with no bullets. Every seat in district caucus may assist in formation of binding and strategic alliances between the delegates who might not know one another. Understanding and forming a good battle strategy is as important as fighting the battle itself. When it comes to district caucus, choosing a seat is the strategy necessary to be mastered.
Depending on the situation, different strategies can be applied. In this article, we will concentrate on underdog strategies.
Seating by Gender
Gender of the delegates plays a significant role at the district caucus, as women are more inclined to sit together in the front rows while men generally prefer back row seating. Moreover, women are ordinarily less aggressive in persuading the agenda, thus it is easier to cut them off. On the other hand, men have a tendency to drag and lose focus. Sometimes, they lose control over insignificant issues and engage in the discussion quite loudly from the back of the room.
If the caucus chair is experienced, this seating strategy will prove to be weak as the chair will regulate the caucus regardless. However, if the chair has no experience with Robert’s rules, the delegates seated in the back will have an easier upper hand as the communication has to be maintained between the chair, the less aggressive audiences, and the aggressive delegates seated in the back of the room.
A good decision will be to split the aggressive delegates into two back corners and place several of them in the front. Do not forget about the importance of an experienced chair. He or she has to have basic knowledge of Robert’s rules, but also be able to judge the situation in real time and adapt to it based on the circumstances.
Controlling the Caucus
The two front delegates should be seated in the two front corners of the room. These delegates should be constantly involved in the caucus, whether to open a move, seconding a move, or closing the debates based on the rules adopted by the assembly. Conversely, an experienced team of delegates can easily own the assembly and turn the direction of the talk in their favor within a short time.
In addition, an inexperienced chair might be overwhelmed by the sudden loss of control over the discussion, at which point will be a good time to cease the deal and replace the chair. Nevertheless, in most cases, it is better to leave the chair in place and let him or her continue conducting the caucus but control the floor and focus on the night’s agenda. Most chairs are not successful in using Robert’s rules, and they will easily give up dominance on the floor in case pressure is built so that they look appalling.
If your team is not skillful in winning the floor, it is better not to take a seat, but instead to stand at the very end of the room carefully observing the actions taking place on the floor. Especially for new delegates, this is the best time to learn about the operation of the assembly.
Assembly Operation
Every assembly to some extent will model ancient tribe ceremonies that took place on our planet thousands years ago. Regardless of the dressing or education, people follow their basic instincts when they are placed within a large group of other individuals. As in every ancient tribe, a ruler, or king, will be selected. Ordinarily, the role of the king will be played by the highest public elected official. Moreover, as the shaman of the tribe, the assembly chair will also play his or her role.
As in ancient times shamans thought differently than the rest of the tribe and only responded to tribal king, same with the assembly. The assembly chair is normally seated across the assembly. Surrounding the chair are two types of individuals, including power thirsty people, who would go to any lengths to achieve political power and followers, and servants, who patiently wait for their individual reward from the common pile.
In addition, following the tribal metaphor, there will always be individuals thinking differently from the king or shaman. At the assembly, those individuals spend their time and energy on unimportant issues, and both the chair and the highest elected official can sustain the majority regardless.
The assembly is divided into 98% of followers and 2% leaders. However, these two categories of individuals are spread out among the rulers and the opposition. The leaders of the opposition normally prefer to avoid taking any action that requires challenging the chair or the highest elected official. Instead, they complain about the oppressive system to other delegates outside of the assembly. Due to the lack of strategy in those individuals, they seat based on random circumstances. Conversely, they often pick seats very close to the front of the assembly and very close to the chair. In any circumstances, avoid such individuals. They only make assembly chaotic as they are not organized, have financial problems, and engage in multiple meaningless conversations with other delegates.
All in all, it matters where you choose to seat at the party district caucus. Individuals choose their seats depending on their personalities and other factors. If you arrive at the assembly at least an hour before it begins, you will have a number of seating options to choose from which are best for your strategy. It is also allowed to change seats during the assembly in case the move is done based on strategy and not based on temper. Choose wisely, depending on whether you are hoping to control assembly or carefully observe and avoid the individuals who do not have knowledge or important information to share. In general, a well-positioned team has a bigger chance scoring a victory at the assembly compared to randomly positioned delegates.