Whipping votes GOTV app

Predicts and live tracks the vote count for an upcoming election in real time.

Upload your file

Upload data from a local device - cell phone, iPad, PC, laptop, etc... Upload data from the cloud if local device is connected to the cloud and offers upload capabilities. To upload data, the user drags and drops a CSV file inside the designated file upload area or clicks on that area and then navigates to the desired file and selects the file.

Data file:

Browse or drop CSV file here

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Required fields: First Name, last Name

Main information

Address information


Only first 100 rows displayed!
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Define role

Define convention date

Define assembly level

Unit is floor
Unit is district
Unit is county
Unit is ward
Unit is ward
Unit is precinct
No unit

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Add candidate manually...
Fields with * are required!

Main information

Address information


Add candidate
Candidates list
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Some great features!

  • Ability to use the app for different convention types: permanent conventions like Congress sessions, State party conventions, County conventions, Jurisdiction conventions, Ward caucus conventions, Business election assemblies, Student elections, Local municipal elections, and any other assembly that uses Robert's rules of order or parliamentary procedures.
  • Ability to use PC, tablet, mobile
  • 100% encryption on data
  • Ability to update and display status on vote preference across all whips at real time
  • Ability to view whole floor of assembly delegates with their vote preferences
  • Ability to grant whip rights for the whole floor, unit(s) of the floor or sub units
  • Ability to indicate voter influencers
  • Ability to indicate if delegate is present on the floor
  • Whip the Floor app gives assigned whips the long waited tool to whip votes in real time and receive updates instantly from other whips
  • The users of the app must be authorized by whipthefloor.com campaign admin to get access to campaign throught the app.
Mobile application

We protect your data!

We take very seriously client data protection and we utilized a complete encryption on every byte of data that is stored on our secured servers. Not even our Engineers can decrypt the data a client may have uploaded for a use. For a hacker, it will take all the computer power on the earth for the next 20 years to just have a try. Only designated by a client users may see the data in their browsers. Example below:


String: Protesting is a waste of energy, working for a cause is not.

En\De Crypt


Decrypted: Protesting is a waste of energy, working for a cause is not.